In the Liquid cooling world of PCs the most traditional way of doing liquid cooling is through using a pump, radiator and water blocks that does the heat exchanging of CPUs, GPUs etc. In this article we propose a slight variation to increase the cooling efficiency.
In the animal world, there is an effective way of cooling the body temperature. It uses something called Countercurrent flow, in which warm blood passes through colder blood to keep the overall temp low. Below is an example of an animal’s paw being kept cool using this technique

Now, borrowing this idea to the world of liquid cooling of PCs, we can come up with something like below where the pipe coming out of the pump and the pipe coming out of the radiator passes very close to each other (perhaps through an insulation medium to allow the exchange better). This will reduce the temp going into the pump and in turn the radiator, thus increasing the efficiency of the radiator.

After a few cycles, when the water in the Reservoir begins to warm up due to the water blocks, the countercurrent effect should reduce the temperature going into the pump. This would increase the efficiency of the radiator further and make it’s output even cooler, which would then begin a reinforcing cycle of further cooling the input going into the radiator.
This will potentially gain better cooling results with less electricity use.
This would be a great example of Biomimicry in action.